
Feast of Ullr

The Feast of Ullr is to celebrate the Hunt and to gain personal luck needed for success. Weapons are dedicated on this day to Ullr, God of the Bow. If your hunting arms were blessed by the luck of the God of the Hunt, your family and tribe shared the bounty with a Blot and Feast to Ullr.

The Feast of Ullr was traditionally a hunting festival. Ullr, god of hunting, and the bow was honored and a feast was shared by the tribe of the spoils of the hunt.  The tribe (or family) on this day would take a portion of the meat from the hunt and have a large and joyous feast before the winter sets in hard. Today, most of us do not hunt, we get our meals from the super market, and if we are lucky, we grow a small amount of herbs and vegetables for eating. But we always get our meat from the grocery store. So celebrating a feast of the hunt is not as powerful a gesture in out modern times. I would argue for those who live in the U.S. that it is just as good to honor Ullr at the Thanksgiving dinner. I know that Thanksgiving is not actually descended from the northern traditions of the Feast of Ullr, but as a modern heathen, I’d like to seek to change that around.
Next year I would like to actually go on a bow hunting trip right before, and feast on what I bring back. But tonight I’ll walk out to the yard and pour a quick libation in honour of Ullr, and maybe even light a candle if I am so lucky. I wish everyone a bountiful feast day! May your plates fill up, and your drinking horns overflow. Skål!

Dedicate the Feast to Ullr with this Invocation:

Invocation to Ullr

by Raven Kaldera

Hail to the Hunter of Winter,
The twin tracks in the snow,
The twin tracks of your eyes
Sharp in the frosty air, you see
Where every bird flies,
Where every squirrel passes,
Where the deer have bedded for the night.
All must eat, especially in the hard season,
bowsAnd you take only what is needed,
Leaving enough to breed again
And continue the cycle of Life.
Yew-god, bow-god, death-god,
Bringer of the most silent slaughter,
The death that comes swift and unseen,
Spare us from the wrath of frozen winter
With the cloud of your joyful laughter
And the shield of your great hand.
We hail you, God On Skis,
Evergreen Lord, Sunbeam On Snow,
In this the time of your white realm.

A prayer to Ullr while on your hunting trip:

Hunting Prayer

by Geordie Ingerson

If you would go out to hunt and bring home game to eat, first take your weapon and go out to the woods, or the tall grass, and kneel for Ullr. Say the following prayer:

hunter's arrowHunter through the snows of Asgard,
May I take the perfect target.
Hunter through the fields of Vanaheim,
Guide my gift of flying death.
Hunter through the wood of Alfheim,
Drop them swift and sweetly gone.
Hunter through the mountains of Jotunheim,
May prey never scream and never suffer.
Hunter through the Worlds
Upward on the Tree,
See me safe to home and  hearthstone,
To feed those waiting there for me.
Hold up your weapon and say,
Straight and strong may they all fly,
And find their mark in many hearts. 

Then rise, take a few steps, and then turn back for the moment and trace the rune Algiz in you’re your footprints. Place your feet again in the footprints and keep walking. After you come home with your kill, give a piece of the heart, a piece of the liver, and a piece of the flesh to Ullr as an offering.