


To the Norseman's codex of Heathenism. Let me start by defining Heathenism.

What is a Heathen?

Well According the it is
"a. One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.
b. Such persons considered as a group; the unconverted.

Heathen An adherent of a Neopagan religion that seeks to revive the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Germanic peoples."

Heathen (Old Norse heiðinn, was coined as a translation of Latin paganus, in the Christian sense of "non-Abrahamic faith". In the Sagas, the terms heiðni and kristni (Heathenry and Christianity) are used as polar terms to describe the older and newer faiths.

What is Heathenism?

 Again according to

1. a belief or practice of heathens.
2. pagan worship; idolatry.
3. irreligion.
4. barbaric morals or behavior.

Modern followers have decided to reclaim this title of "Heathen". Yes we are pagans. Yes we believe in the morals and behaviors of our ancestors and we say this is not a bad thing. Being a Heathen is a badge of honor.

Asatru is another name given to the modern revival of Germanic Paganism. The word "Asa" is derived from the pantheon of the Æsir. And "tru" is old norse for "belief in". To me personally Asatru is the spiritual beliefs of our ancestors and Heathenism is the revival of their way of life in general.

It is my goal to provide all information I know, and learn about Heathenism. Which is not only Asatru as accurately as possible to the way my ancestors practiced it, but also to their way of life in general. Their moral codes, their laws, their lifestyles, clothing, weapons, relationship, and just about every else you can imagine. I wish to honor my family, and my ancestors by immortalizing their way of life. By living their traditions in my daily life. To revive the golden age of the Scandinavians and learn from the noble time commonly referred to as, The Viking Age. The time, traditions, and cultures that history has tried so desperately to erase from our memories.